Happy 5th Blogiversary!
Five years ago today, I launched the blog that would eventually evolve into this blog.
I always point out in these blogiversary posts that I’ve been blogging a lot longer than 5 years… this just happens to be the longest I’ve kept a particular blog going like this. And I tend to mention that this blog started out under another name, evolved and was rebranded.
So as to not break the ritual… there, I’ve said those things. I wonder if there will be a year when I don’t feel the need to point that out anymore. 🙂
So, last year. Last year, I didn’t blog nearly as consistently as I would have liked. Early in the year, I got caught up in the inspiration of making my own horse coats for Second Life avatars. I blogged a bit about that, but kept most of the content on another blog.
Then, later in the summer, my inspiration turned towards a new RP story/character for FFXIV, which took time away from this blog since I was writing fiction again. I wasn’t sure how much people here wanted to listen to me re-tread ground on an alt character, but when folks said it was all good and well, I picked up blogging here a bit more consistently again.
I foresee 2019 being a good year for this blog. Not only do we have a lot of big releases for FFXIV on down the line, but an expansion coming later this year. Expansion years for FFXIV tend to be ones that bring a good deal of traffic to this site, and they give me lots to talk about. So I’m looking forward to that.
This is also a year in which I’m working on consolidating projects and blogs. I tend to go through phases where I branch out in my interests, putting all of my projects on different sites. Then, suddenly, they feel too disconnected, and I want to reel them all back in again.
I’ve been in the second phase lately, where I feel like I want to pull my old fiction writing up under the umbrella of my main domain at Sygnus.org. So I’ve been transferring one of my oldest pieces, Darkstar, to that blog, which requires a good bit of fixing up and internal linking to make work properly. That doesn’t really effect anything on this blog, but it’s just a mindset I’ve found myself in lately. We’ll see where it leads.
Anyhow, 5 years! What a ride! Thanks for joining me on this journey! 🙂