MMORPG Social on Mastodon
((I hope folks don’t mind me posting the MMORPG Social banner above – artwork does not belong to me! But it’s really awesome!))
So, every now and then, I would hear about Mastodon. I didn’t know much about it, and while it sounded neat, it had one thing that kept me from jumping in with both feet to try it out — when you sign up for it, you have to join within a specific community.
I’m still not 100% clear on how all that works, but I’ve learned that there’s a reason for this. Unlike other social media that’s run by Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc, Mastodon is open source and the individual communities are actually hosted and moderated by people.
Think of it like your buddies running their own Minecraft (or insert your favorite server-based game) server or paying to host a server for just your community. That’s what Mastodon does. It’s much like Twitter in layout and function, but in a smaller, more personalized community.
I really love this idea! But I couldn’t find a community that fit me. Until Belghast posted about the MMORPG Social community last month. I saw that, decided to check it out, and felt pretty much at home as soon as I made my first Toot there. Yes, we Toot.
I’ve been active on the channel for almost a full month now, and I’ve watched it evolve and gain more members. I’d love to see this continue to grow, so I feel like I’m at a point where I can post about this now.
If you’re like me, you probably feel like you don’t need another vast and overwhelming social media platform to keep up with. However, part of the reason I was drawn to this community is that it’s more manageable in size. It feels a lot more personalized and I feel like I can get to know people easier because I’m interacting with them on a smaller scale.