FFXIV: Pony Farming Like It’s 2019
I’ve played FFXIV for over 5 years. I’ve done a lot in this game during this time, and often delve into as many systems as the game provides — from maxing out Squads, to chasing dumb achievements, to running way too many Beast Tribe Quests. Despite that, I have only ever once unlocked and run an Extreme Primal. That was Bismark, and I was trying to help a friend get a bird drop.
Well, that changed last night.
FC folks, Kade and Amoon, had been farming ponies a while back. Kade just needed the Ramuh drop as his last to get the Kirin, but due to some mechanics, they were having trouble duoing it. So, Syn and I unlocked it and gave them a hand.
Kade got his pony on the first run, but the guys were nice enough to run it until Syn and I also got a drop (though Syn kept swearing she didn’t care about mount farming). This led into unlocking the rest… and in about an hour and some change, Syn and I had all but two of the total ponies.
There’s a certain sort of fun in obliterating old Primal fights in a 4-man unsynced party, to be honest. Though, I somewhat wished I’d done it on my main… now I really do want to get ponies on her, as well. XD
So far, my favorite for Amon is the Ramuh pony — the colors and the lightning just fits him nicely!

Blooming Crafts
The other thing I started this weekend for the first time was growing flowers and learning how to change their colors. I noted that one of the things I wanted to do was get the fancy Blessed tool for Amon’s alchemist. Well, yesterday, I was scanning the list of recipes that alchemists make, and realized there are literally pages of corsages, which require different colors and types of flowers that you grow in the pots in your room/house.
So, I invested in some soil, seeds and flower pots, and got to learning about how that system works. Thankfully, I have plenty of personal rooms between all of my alts for this sort of thing, and flowers grow in 24 hours.
There’s always something new to mess around with in FFXIV, even for me.