FFXIV: FC House Landscaping Makeover
Over this past weekend, my crafting goals for my RP alt have been met for the month, though I continue to work on leveling crafting every day. On top of that, I got the itch to finally spend some time redecorating the FC house yard this weekend. This was partially due to the new treehouse yard item and the fact that I’ve been holding on to a garden pond that my retainers brought me not long back.
The treehouse is a drop from something-something-new-Eureka-zone. I still haven’t done much in the way of Eureka, so when I heard that, I marked the item off as something I’d probably never see… or something that would be terribly overpriced on the marketboard.
I was shocked when I saw that it was exceptionally cheap (under 300K each), and I snagged two of them – one for my personal house and one for our FC house.

That was enough to get me on a decorating kick, so I jumped right into it. I’ve wanted a Shishi-Odoshi for our yard for a while, but last time I checked on prices, they were beyond what I was willing to pay. Seems like a lot of housing stuff was a good deal cheaper this weekend, so I went on a buying spree.

I didn’t buy everything, though. For one, I finally focused on using the HoH crafting drop I got to craft the Odder Otter Bench I wanted. It has cute little lanterns that light up at night and fits the rest of the Otter House design well.

I posted about the changes to our house (which has an open RP tag on it, indicating folks are welcome to visit and interact) on Tumblr, and we had a fun little group show up for most of Saturday. We cleared some content (World of Darkness and some unsynced dungeons) and just generally hung out for a while.
I also spent some time working on redecorating Amon’s Apartment — no pics of this yet. Maybe next post! I’m very close to being somewhat done there (these are always a work in progress), and have been adding odds and ends to my alt rooms in the FC house as well.
In the meantime, here’s some more pics of our FC house yard!