FFXIV: Patch 4.56 – Be the Namazu
If you ever wanted to be the Namazu, you’re in for a treat!
While I did finish the final installment of MSQ for Stormblood last night, I want to give a day or so before I talk about it here. Instead, let’s discuss some of the other content that released yesterday in FFXIV.
Not only did we get a conclusion to the Hildibrand quest line, but we also got the allied beast tribe quest for Stormblood. It feels like the bulk of this patch’s updates provided story and fluff quests — not that I’m complaining about either!
I’ve long been a fan of beast tribe quests, even back when they were incredibly annoying to complete on-level in ARR. Over time, they’ve evolved into a rather fast and painless way to earn a quick daily chunk of XP for battle and crafting jobs.
While I’ve been slacking off on using them to my advantage on my main, I’ve been doubled down on the trio of crafting tribes – Ixali, Moogle and Namazu – on my RP alt’s crafters. As of last night, I only have one last crafting job to pull through Ixali before at least all of his crafters are 50+. And let me tell you, no matter how grateful I am for the XP, I’ll not shed a tear to never need to do another Ixali quest again.
Anyhow. If you were max rank with all three Stormblood beast tribes, patch 4.56 brought the allied beast tribe quest. Like the previous expansions, this features all of the tribes coming together to face off against Nhaza’a Jaab, the villain of the allied tribe series since ARR.
It’s all pretty lighthearted, requiring you to run about, gather the aid of various characters you’ve connected to via beast tribe quests, and put a stop to shenanigans. Or maybe… just cause some of your own.

The final reward is the gratuity emote… which… really doesn’t feel like it fits in with the whole thing. But I’ll never turn down an emote.
Upon finishing and ranking up with all the tribes, you also unlock new items at each of the beast tribe vendors. These include new minions, new housing items (both inside and out) and the cosmetic Namazu head.
I know that the Hildibrand questline gets a dance and barding drop this time around, and it’s been a while since Hildi got something keen like that, so I’m not grudging it. I’m still way back in Heavensward Hildibrand quests (a shame, I know), so I need to just finish those up and get on with the new story. Maybe this weekend.
Will talk about the MSQ later. Hope everyone is enjoying the story!