July Gaming Goals in Review
Naturally, July was all about FFXIV Shadowbringers and making progress in the new expansion. I set very light goals for this month, and am actually surprised at how much I managed to get done, even outside of the goals I set.
FFXIV Goals – My Main
- Complete Shadowbringers MSQ ✓
- Level Red Mage to 80 ✓
- Level a gatherer ✓
Not only did I get Red Mage to 80, and finish Shadowbringers, but as of last night, I also finished leveling Miner. This means both Miner and Botanist are at 80, and I’ve been working on white scrip gear for them. I haven’t started Fisher, but that’ll be next.
I did make a little progress on my main’s crafting – I chose to start with Carpenter, but haven’t hit max level on that yet. I have, however, been dutiful with daily Beast Tribe quests, which has consistently (if slowly) leveled my Warrior.

It’s a little over halfway through 69 at this point, and I have a number of job quests I haven’t finished up for it yet. So I can probably knock that out tonight. That will put me starting the same progress on Dark Knight for August. Eventually, I’ll unlock Gunbreaker, too, but right now, I’m leveling what I have.
I should also be able to get Bard to 71 tonight, which will allow me to start leveling my Trusts. I haven’t worked on that at all, and that might have actually turned out to be a blessing. Tuesday’s patch significantly boosted the experience Trusts get, making it faster to level them.
Side Goal – Tai’s Stormblood Progress
While I’m nowhere near finishing Stormblood on Tai, I did make some progress through the MSQ and in leveling. He’s at level 58 now, and I think he’s coming close to taking on Castrum Abania next. I’m not a fan of most of the end dungeons and trials for Stormblood, so while I did get him all the way through Yanxia and the Steppes, it’s going to be a challenge to motivate myself through this part.
I did find that I enjoy the new Dragoon. It feels pretty strong DPS-wise, and they smoothed out a lot of things that made it frustrating to play. The last time I actually played Dragoon with any attention was back in Heavesward, so I’m actually looking forward to continuing to level Tai to see how the job expands.
Unexpected Leveling
Part of the reason I didn’t make more progress with Tai is because I unexpectedly picked up Amon and got him all the way through Shadowbringers MSQ. I also leveled Amon’s Botanist and Alchemist to 80 – both unexpected.
I guess I enjoy Shadowbringers so much (and the addition of Trusts help a lot), that it wasn’t very hard to get another character through it. It’s tough because I have a lot of character stuck on the Stormblood MSQ, and I have so little desire to play through the previous expansion. I’m hoping the lure of Shadowbringers will be enough to nudge me to getting them up to date.

Also a reminder that tomorrow, Blaugust starts in earnest! If you’re interested in checking it out, click here for all the information you need!