Welcome Blaugust & August Gaming Goals
Welcome to the new month, and to the very first day of Blaugust! For anyone who doesn’t know already, this is a month that bloggers rally together to support blogging and their fellow bloggers, both new and old. I’ll likely be talking about this throughout the month, but if you’re interested in learning more, click here!
Now on to my goals for this month. I think this is going to be another month of rather loose goals and just plodding along making progress.
FFXIV Goals – My Main
As expected, my main earned Level 70 on Warrior last night! I also finished all the job quests, aside from the final Level 70 one, which I hope to tackle tonight. So her goals are as follows:
- Level Dark Knight (Daily Beast Tribes) ✓
- Level Carpenter ✓
- Level Trusts (With Bard)
- Level Fisher ✓
- Gear up with new Tomes ✓
Mostly a lot of leveling going on here. Dark Knight is the next tank I’m going to pull through using daily beast tribe quests in Stormblood. As I see it, it will take about two months to finish off my final two tanks. Dancer I can level through roulettes since I don’t mind playing it in group content. So I’m not as worried about catching up with that as I am about just making slow, steady progress with my tanks.
FFXIV Goals – Amon
- Level Miner to 80 ✓
- Earn Scrip gear sets for Botanist, Miner and Alchemist ✓
- Level Fisher ✓
I’m pulling back on things for Amon since I got most of what I wanted done on him already. He’s a level 76 Miner at this point, so getting him to 80 is do-able. I’ve already started earning Scrip gear for his Botanist, so finishing out those sets shouldn’t be too hard to do. And I’d like to dabble in Fishing with him as well.
I’m not as worried about earning Tomes for his gear, but will probably do some alliance runs here and there (which nets Tomes). I’ll take that as it comes.
FFXIV Goals – Tai ✓
The same as last month, Tai is my Stormblood -progression character. I guess this is a thing now, since I have so many characters stuck in Stormblood. I really want to get him at least through the base 4.0 MSQ. I think once that’s done, and I can start gearing him up, the way forward will be a whole lot easier.
Blaugust Goals
And, of course, there’s Blaugust Goals. I’d really like to post more consistently this month, if nothing else, at least every week day. I’m also going to make an effort to get other people’s blogs on my feed reader and try to keep up with the Blaugust Discord.
If there’s any specific blogging topic or question you have, feel free to drop it in a comment to me, and I’ll certainly look at writing something up for it!