FFXIV: Warring Triad & Clearing Old Content
It may (or may not) come as a surprise that when it comes to content in FFXIV, I pick and choose what I unlock. As a rule of thumb, if something isn’t required for me to progress through story or Expert roulette, I simply won’t do it. This was the case for the Warring Triad content.
This was a series of Trial battles from back in Heavensward. While the extreme versions do drop mounts and weapons, none of this is enticing enough for me to have spent time grinding out these fights, or even unlocking them, back when they were relevant.
In fact, the only reason I unlocked them over the weekend, at Syn’s encouragement, was because of lore. My RP centers quite heavily on Allagan themes, and unknown to me, the Warring Triad drops a lot of relevant lore. So, it was story alone that brought me to clearing these fights.

The content is pretty easy now days. Unsynced, we quickly 3 and 4 mannned it through the fights without a problem. Amoon had only finished the first of the 3 fights, so it was nice that it got him the clears, too.
We then tried our hand at a little Ravana bird farming. Though the fight is super easy even for two of us, an hour’s worth of farming got no bird drop, which was disappointing. I own absolutely zero birds on any of my characters, but now that the content is much easier than years back, we’re probably going to be working on those.
I still need to get the ARR ponies on my main (which I can now probably try to solo). I have them all on my RP alt, but not my main. Go figure. 🙂
Just goes to show you, it’s never too late to go back and clear old content!