Nintendo Switch: Ring Fit Announcement
Last week, Nintendo teased this weird ring-like joycon addition which absolutely had to have some sort of fitness gaming connection. Yesterday, they finally announced the Ring Fit Adventure.
Back in the day, I was a fan of the Wii Fit. It was a fun little system, though at times I did wish for something other than a balance board (which required more batteries to power and had to be synced to your Wii/Wii U).
Though this Ring Fit seems strange on first glance, it appears to be far more flexible in what you can do with it since you’re not locked into a balance board for measurement. The only thing I’m not quite sure of is the leg strap — I’m a bit concerned about my joycon getting wrecked if something unforseen happens.
Overall, I’m interested in this, even if it does look unusual. I’ve been hoping for some sort of workout system to come to the Switch, and I’m even more pleased it would be in the form of an adventure game. I certainly could do with some get-up-and-go, and launching in October is a good time of year, when the weather starts to cool down in my area.
It is a little on the pricey side, but so was the Wii Fit, if I remember correctly. The response to the announcement is typically uncertain – some folks really like the idea while others see it as silly. But I might just get in on this simply because it looks like fun and it certainly couldn’t do me any harm to try. As much as I love my Switch, it could do with some more play time.