FFXIV: The Pony Farming Nightmare
This weekend, I got my very first pony on my main through the Mogtome event. I have the whole set on Amon due to the help of my FC, but my main never started to farm for ponies at all. I knew that Ramuh could be tricky to down solo, so I picked that one up with tomes.
Last Mogtome event featured the ponies from Garuda and Ifrit, which I missed on my main. So I decided to take some time to see how likely/easy it was to solo for those two. I’d heard it was absolutely possible, and since my Red Mage is main and fairly well geared, I felt I shouldn’t have much trouble.
I didn’t.
I could easily take down Garuda in about 1:20. Titan wasn’t bad and Ifrit takes the longest due to nails. But I’m in no way in danger doing the first primal extremes.
I put myself to farming Garuda for her pony. It took a good half an hour, maybe more, of running the fight over and over again. I even checked a few times to make sure the pony dropped from the trial I was running.
Finally, when it did, the game had a little surprise for me.

Wait, what? The Nightmare Whistle!
While I knew it was a possibility to get this drop from these primals, I also knew it was a pretty rare drop, so I had no ambitions on getting it.
I was super stoked! Poor Xanthos – his drop was a bit overshadowed by my amazement at seeing the Nightmare on my drop list.
I went on to unlock and clear the other two primals, but haven’t started farming for their ponies yet. Seeing how easy Titan is, I think I might be done with the mogtome farming event, and will just farm the primal for that horse. Then… who knows. I might see how hard it is to do the rest of them solo.