FFXIV: Pixies and Factory Drops
Writing that title just reminded me that I still haven’t written out my verdict on the Copied Factory raid in FFXIV yet. I’ll put that on my list for this week.
I finished up the last of the Pixie beast tribe reputation this weekend. This netted a new housing item, which I have bought a few of, but have yet to explore decorating with. I do have a perfect room for some of the Pixie housing items, just need to sit down and work them in.
With those at max rank, I no longer need to run them daily, unless I just want to for alt job XP. I probably will on my main, because I still have a million jobs that need to get to 80, and every little XP counts. I do plan on finally jumping into Trusts soon, and clearing out overworld quests for that as well.
Speaking of Trusts, I also finally unlocked the Switch for Tai, so I’m slowly starting to move him through the Shadowbringers storyline. I also started to run my Alliance Roulette with him to help supplement his leveling through the expansion. It’s been a while since I’ve really played Dragoon, and I still find that I enjoy the job, even if it’s not something I’d choose as my main.
Speaking of Raids, I’ve been running the Copied Factory twice each week. Once is for my Main who really doesn’t need any of the drops except for fluff, minions, music and the upgrade coin for gear. So far, she hasn’t had a lot of luck outside of the new dress that she got in the picture up top.
This glamour has an interesting property. On the very first day of the raid, the community crowed over how the B2 glamour drop legs enhance the character’s booty – male and female both. Well, this normal chest drop for casters (and I assume any other job) appears to enhance the upper female assets, which was unexpected but quite noticeable.
Ah well.
I was actually a little disappointed that it didn’t look more like the male coat caster drop instead of a dress. Here’s the male version on Amon:

I do love that they’re all dyeable out of the box, though. That’s very nice and makes for a lot of new glamour options.
While Amon is running the Factory for glamour and fluff, he actually needs the aiming drops as upgrades. I really want to get him the aiming coat, though, purely to base yet another glamour set around.
Oh, and I have repurposed yet another RP alt over the weekend. This is Tad.

I cringed at having to spend the amount of gil I did on his coat alone, but I adore how it looks on him. I’m trying out Machinist with this character, and so far enjoying how it feels — it’s the first time I’ve dabbled with the new Machinist changes in Shadowbringers. I was not a fan of the Stormblood version at all.
So this fellow needed a CT unlock, and is teasing me with having a crafter and gatherer right within the lower range of the Ishgard restoration turn-in system. I’m really curious what it’s like to level a crafter/gatherer with all the new changes to the system and the Restoration sitting there as well. So I might just take the plunge and level him, despite already having two not-quite-finished omnicrafters.
So, as you can see, even though my goals were met for the Pixie quests and daily hunts, I always, always have something else to work on for someone in this game!