December 2019 Gaming Goals
Welcome to December – the last month of this decade! Crazy to think about, pretty soon it will be 2020. I’m going a little light on the goals this month because who knows what’s going to happen with the holidays here. 🙂
- Level Trusts & Alt Jobs (Main) ✓
- Level Crafters and Buy Master VII Books (Main & Amon) ✓
- Progress Tai through Shadowbringers ✓
- Progress Zuri through Stormblood
Nintendo Switch Goals
- Earn at least one new badge in Pokemon Sword
- Finish next temple in Link’s Awakening
- Ring Fit
And yeah. It’s short and sweet this month. Mostly daily leveling and making progress through expansions. I am working on Tad’s crafting/gathering and leveling on the side, but it’s nothing I want to set down as an official goal at this point. Mostly stuff I’m doing just for the fun of it and to test to see how fast crafting/gathering leveling is.
Hope you have a great December!