December 2019 Archives

2019 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on December 31, 2019
Welcome to the final day of 2019! It’s time to take a look back a the gaming goals I set at the beginning of this year and see how much I actually completed!

December 2019 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on December 30, 2019
I’m going to go ahead and close out this month’s goal post because while there’s still today and tomorrow, I doubt I’ll be working on goals. Tomorrow, I want to visit my Yearly 2019 Gaming Goals and see how I did with them. Then I can look at figuring out where I want to go in 2020!

Merry Christmas – Last Christmas of the Decade!
Posted on December 25, 2019
For the last Christmas of the decade, I must post what I’ve posted so often – my favorite contemporary Christmas song of this decade.

RIP Sebastian, My Friend
Posted on December 21, 2019
Sebastian has been a part of my family for 8 years. He was a special cat – super social, very dog-like in his desire to please, constantly craving attention and affection, vocal and friendly. I’ve never met a cat quite like him, and I don’t know if I ever will again.

FFXIV: Summoner/Scholar & Trusts Ding 80!
Posted on December 20, 2019
The Starlight Festival is in full swing in FFXIV this week, and while I do want to talk about the event, more importantly, I hit one of my most important monthly goals last night.

FFXIV: Live Letter LVII – Patch 5.2 Info Roundup
Posted on December 19, 2019
This post is late, seeing the Live Letter happened almost five days ago, but life has been crazy in the final work week before the holidays. I get a vacation starting this weekend, and boy do I need it!

Welcoming the Uke
Posted on December 16, 2019
This was an unplanned sort of thing, but the way that it sounds, uke is a far more casual instrument to plink around with. So I don’t see it competing with fiddle for real hardcore practice time.

Steamgifts: Giving it All Away
Posted on December 16, 2019
One of the first posts I wrote when this blog was still young was about Steamgifts. This is an online community that creates a massive number of giveaways of free Steam games/keys.

FFXIV: Leveling Trusts
Posted on December 13, 2019
Happy Friday 13th to everyone. Hopefully it will go smoothly for you!

FFXIV: Copied Factory Impressions
Posted on December 4, 2019
So, I’m going to start this off by saying I’ve never played a NieR game. The first time I’ve ever heard of the series was due to people talking about NieR: Automata. I’ve mostly only heard positive things about it, and apparently it’s a really great game for those who enjoy the kind of game it is.

New Drawing Monitor – XP-PEN Artist12
Posted on December 2, 2019
For many, many years, I have been digitally drawing on the Wacom Cintiq 12WX that Syn gave me back when she got an upgraded Wacom. It has served me very well all of this time, and actually still runs despite a slightly loose connection wire and a crack in the screen. If it tells you anything, these were released back in 2007. So, I’ve had it a LONG time.

December 2019 Gaming Goals
Posted on December 1, 2019
Welcome to December – the last month of this decade! Crazy to think about, pretty soon it will be 2020. I’m going a little light on the goals this month because who knows what’s going to happen with the holidays here.