July 2019 Archives

July Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on July 31, 2019
Naturally, July was all about FFXIV Shadowbringers and making progress in the new expansion. I set very light goals for this month, and am actually surprised at how much I managed to get done, even outside of the goals I set.

FFXIV: Shadowbringers Complete, Again
Posted on July 29, 2019
This weekend has been one of making progress in Shadowbringers… my second time through. Friday I focused on getting through the final dungeon of the MSQ. I did this with a Trust, as I’ve been doing all the dungeons, and was quite surprised when after the final boss, the chest dropped the Shoebill minion.

FFXIV: It’s the Little Things
Posted on July 25, 2019
I’m still settling into a routine for Shadowbringers at this point. I’ve almost finished the MSQ on my RP alt, almost leveled his Botanist to 80 (hope to have that done tonight), and still working on Miner leveling through Grand Company turn-ins for both characters.

FFXIV: Shadowbringers – Second Time Through MSQ
Posted on July 23, 2019
On Sunday, I got my RP alt, Amon, to level 80 Bard. Yesterday, I unlocked the final zone of the expansion, worked through all his role quests, and got his set of Bard Artifact armor, which he’s pictured here wearing.

Blaugust 2019 – Festival of Blogging
Posted on July 16, 2019
It’s almost that time of year again. The summer is heating up and August is quickly approaching. And for bloggers, that means it’ll once again be time for Blaugust!

FFXIV: Shadowbringers – Embracing My Inner Elf
Posted on July 15, 2019
One of the fun aspects of Shadowbringers is how the world building team took the familiar elements of the Source world and twisted them just slightly to populate the new dimension we’re exploring in the First. Part of the amusement was to explore all the little nuances of how the two mirror worlds evolved differently. This includes the races that live in the worlds.

FFXIV: Shadowbringers – Level 80 Botanist!
Posted on July 10, 2019
I don’t have any fancy new gear to show for it yet – my scrip gear got me all the way without a problem – but I finished leveling my first gatherer to 80 last night! While I’ve been casually working at this on and off throughout the week, I had no real intention to complete this goal so quickly.

FFXIV: Shadowbringers – Leveling Gatherers & Earning Blessed Tools
Posted on July 8, 2019
Now that I’ve completed the Shadowbringers MSQ, I’ve turned my attention to leveling gatherers. Thanks in part to the good chunk of experience that Crystarium turn-ins give, it’s not been that hard to push my Botanist to 76 over the weekend.

FFXIV: Shadowbringers MSQ Complete
Posted on July 5, 2019
Though we had a few setbacks – such as Syn’s net dropping out at about 3% on the final boss fight – we made it through the MSQ for Shadowbringers this afternoon! Above, our characters in Red Mage and White Mage AF armor.

FFXIV: Shadowbringers First Impressions (No Spoilers)
Posted on July 2, 2019
As of last night, I’m level 76, quickly closing in on 77, and I feel like I’m on the other side of being halfway done with the MSQ. I’ve seen all of the zones that I’m aware exist in some form or another. And I’ve been in deep when it comes to story.

July 2019 Gaming Goals
Posted on July 1, 2019
I was busy playing Shadowbringers this weekend, so I didn’t remember to write up a summary of the outcome of June’s goals. This is somewhat sad because last month, I blew all of my goals out of the water!