I’m always a little behind on these special FATEs because I’m generally more focused on getting through the story at the beginning of an expansion. So when I saw the announcement in Gridania for Archaeotania this past weekend – the special FATE in the Tempest – I quickly prompted my FC members and dragged them into what turned out to be a pretty significant open world boss fight.
Surprisingly, there was quite a bit of participation. I thought most folks who wanted the rewards (the toad suit and the minion) had already done this long ago. But apparently there are folks like me who haven’t completed it. Or maybe they need it for their alts.
The toad suit is something I’ve wanted for my RP alt, Amon, for a while. So we jumped right in (no pun intended) this FATE and got to dying!

Despite all the deaths – and there were a ton – we did manage to take the boss down and get our rewards. Full credit for one FATE is 6 Archaeotania Horns. So if you want the full toad suit, you have to finish it twice.
However, S/E kindly made the toad head – I just call it the frog head – only 5 tokens and the body 7 tokens. So that means I was able to at least get the headpiece if nothing else for completing the FATE once. Very kind of them!
Zeb’s not quite so sure he agrees…