After finishing up everything for my Mogtome runs earlier this month, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from dungeons and raids in FFXIV. I know that things will start back up next week when the new patch drops, and new tome farming is often a tiring thing for me. So I’m resting while I can.
One thing I have been doing is clearing out little odds and ends that I’ve been meaning to get around to, but tend to forget about. I’ve checked off a few job quests on an alt, and have finally finished the ARR section of Hildibrand for Amon. Pictured above – the Manderville dance.
Amoon and I found that it wasn’t very difficult at all to unsync the trials to complete all that. I soloed the first Greg fight without issue, but decided I might need some assistance with Dragon’s Neck and Battle in the Big Keep. We took both down without much issue at level 80.
I do plan on working through the rest of the Hildibrand quests, and hopefully not putting them off as long as I did the first set!
The other thing I started working on again was Amon’s BLU mage. A bunch of BLU content came out last patch, and I haven’t made a move to touch it. Sadly, I haven’t even started leveling BLU on my main, either.
When I picked up where I left off on Amon, he was level 50, but I’d never finished the last quest. This requires you to beat Dirty Rotten Azulmagia – #25 at the Masked Carnivale. Considering I’ve hardly touched that content, and have only beat the first two fights in there, I had a lot of catching up to do.
This fight isn’t that terribly hard when it comes to the skills you need – I only used like 4 or 5 skills at the most. The mechanics are pretty straight forward — I understood what I needed to do, it was just a matter of doing it. There’s a lot going on and if you don’t have a proper strategy, you’re going to die pretty quickly in the third stage.
I read up on the fight on this page, but I didn’t use the skills he suggested. It seemed a bit overcomplicated, though I’m sure it could work just fine. Instead, I took what I learned from that article and used what I watched in this video.
Really, all you need is Water Canon, Drill Canon and Loom to get out of meteors. Just gotta stay aware of when he’s immune to magic or physical attacks, and once you’ve seen how to escape the meteors, it’s not too terrible to complete.
That being said, it took me my fair share of attempts to get it done. Probably about 10 tries.

But it is done, and I got a nifty BLU cane glamour. As well as the ability to head into the level 50+ job quests, which is what I really wanted to unlock.
I’ve already gathered a number of spells out in the field, so it’s just a matter of leveling and snagging what I can. Hopefully I can poke Syn and Amoon to run some unsynced dungeons for more, because I know Amoon would want to cap some of the new skills, too.

I’d like to get this finished before the patch drops, but we’ll see how motivated I feel about getting this done. I do enjoy BLU, but I have to be in a specific mood to work at grinding levels on the overworld. I’m almost level 51 from capping the few spells I have, so hopefully it won’t be too bad.