I knew the holidays were going to be fun for decorating my Linden house in Second Life, and I have been right. While it’s no where as fancy as what I had for Halloween, I’ve pulled down the spooky and put up the turkey.
I had almost no decorations for Thanksgiving upon looking at my inventory, so I went out and did a little shopping on the SL Marketplace. One of the things I knew I needed was a live turkey in the front yard, preferably one that wanders.
The Jian turkey fit the bill, though it’s a bit high in prims. This creator always makes lovely animals of all types, so I was willing to sacrifice a bit of room for a really nicely animated turkey.
Aside from that, I pulled up all the flowers and put down leaf covering. I can’t control the color of the grass, so scattered leaves for the fall feeling is the best I can do. I suppose I could put down a large mega prim and texture it, but that would lose the natural feeling of the area around the house. So leaves and various other decorations it is!

Inside, I added some decorations…

But mostly the standard food-type things.

I have had some visitors at my Linden house the past month as the Posse has been back into playing dice games. I already owned a Greedy Greedy, but then came the request for a Pentadee table as well, so I picked one of those up for the backyard deck.

I might add a few more things to the house decoration-wise, but they would have to be very low prim if I did. I think most of this is going to have to do for Thanksgiving. Absolutely looking forward to what I can do with it for Christmas!