While I’ve already finished my first relic on my RP alt, and had finished the first step for my main for a while, last night I finally got the shiny version of the 5.3 Bozja relic for my Red Mage. While these aren’t terribly difficult to get, and I have the base weapon on several of my main’s jobs, I think this will be the only one I progress on for now.
I had three of the Bitter Memories that I needed for the second step already – two from leveling roulettes and one that dropped as I finished up the mettle I needed to get to Rank 10 in Bozja last night. So, thanks to my FC buddies, they ran me through three Anti-Towers to get the rest done.
I was skeptical of the Anti-Tower method to begin with. But as long as you have a tank/healer friend to speed up the queues, you really can knock one of these out in 10-12 minutes each. Compared to the drop rate of memories out in Bozja, it feels far faster.
I am done with seeing this fight for a while, though.

Anyhow, I do have one more relic I want to finish for sure on an RP alt. He’s on the second step, but has a ton of ranking to do in Bozja – he’s only just rank 5. So I might just tough it out in Bozja as long as there’s still folks out there. Last night, there seemed to be, and even enough to pop the Castrum.
Castrum is the next step for the storyline for me in Bozja, do hopefully I won’t lose too much experience in dying to that fight. Because, what I’ve heard at it, it can be difficult! XD