February 2020 Archives

What To Do With a Second Life Subscription?
Posted on February 28, 2020
I’ve been subscribed to SL with a premium membership on and off over the time I’ve had an account here. I made my avatar back in 2004. The most recent subscription streak for me has been since I returned in March 2018.

Organizing My Switch Backlog with Deku Deals
Posted on February 21, 2020
One of my goals for this year was to find a way to organize my Switch backlog, which is getting quite large now. If I know what I’ve bought, and can see it at a glance, then I can remove games from my Switch that I’m not currently playing, and download them later when I’m ready to do so.

FFXIV 5.2 Preliminary Patch Notes Highlights
Posted on February 14, 2020
So today we get the preliminary patch notes for 5.2, which you can see here for yourself. As always, I’m reading through and picking out things that excite me… and things that don’t. Purely opinion. So let’s jump in!

FFXIV: Just Little Things – Hildibrand & BLU
Posted on February 11, 2020
After finishing up everything for my Mogtome runs earlier this month, I’ve been taking a bit of a break from dungeons and raids in FFXIV. I know that things will start back up next week when the new patch drops, and new tome farming is often a tiring thing for me. So I’m resting while I can.

FFXIV: Patch 5.2 – Echoes of a Fallen Star Trailer
Posted on February 6, 2020
Today’s Live Letter brought us the trailer for the upcoming patch! There’s a lot going on in this trailer and I admit that I’m a bit confused at all of this — Yoshi-P did acknowledge that it won’t all make a lot of sense because there’s just so much story to this patch, they couldn’t put most of it in here (of course).