Fêtes are a new type of FATE (some people joke it’s just a misspelling of “fate”) for crafters and gatherers intended to celebrate the completion of the Firmament in Ishgard. Fêtes happen in day-long sessions with a day or two cooldown between them.
To see when the next fête will begin, enter the Firmament and check the timer.

When a fête begins, you can expect it to last about 30 minutes between all of the events. There’s nothing difficult about the fêtes themselves. What you’ll struggle with most is seeing around the massive number of people who are doing the fêtes with you.
Some Tips on Fêtes
- You must be a crafter or gatherer to take part.
- You can join a group, but the only thing that really counts is your personal contribution. Group members cannot earn you points, so grouping doesn’t really help or hurt.
- The number of points per fête required to earn gold vary. #1 requires 6 points, #2 requires 3 points, #3 requires 4 points, #4 requires 4 points and #5 requires 6 points. It’s best just to shoot for as many points as you can manage.
- Earning gold will get you 2 boxes per event with a total of 10 boxes by the end.
- Some fêtes start automatically, some require you to click the Join the FATE button to start – so keep a lookout!
- Press and hold the X key to hide player names – this is a huge help when it comes to seeing objectives better!
- Click the zero key on your number pad to target the nearest object – even in the middle of a bunch of other players! Click the zero key a second time to interact with that target.
- Don’t be too hasty! Keep an eye on your cast bar as you interact and don’t interrupt your own actions by being in a rush.
- You have more time than you think you do! These fêtes act like turn-in FATES, which means you actually have an extra minute of time even after the first timer counts down.
- Players only show up right in your immediate area, so you can actually use this to click-target objects far away as you’re running towards them. I’ll give an example of this later in fête 5.
- Follow the crowd if you don’t know where to go. They’ll show you where the next event is taking place.
What’s in the Box?
You can get up to 10 gifts per for finishing gold for each event. The contents of the box varies from things like the new Antelope Stag mount and the Peacelover’s Attire Coffer for the new glamour – these seem to drop pretty often – to dyes, balloon decorations, barding and even minions.

Fête 1 – A Twist of Fête

The first event introduces the mascots of the celebration. This one is pretty simple, but has a few things that stumps folks.
- Click the Join FATE button – this changes your hotbar and adds three emotes to it.
- Emotes always correspond with the mascot – #1 is always pig, #2 is always chocobo and #3 is always moogle.
- When a mascot does their emote, click on them to target them – then click the corresponding emote on your hotbar to imitate them! Making sure you have the mascot targeted is something that seems to throw people off.
Once you’ve got it, this should be one of the easier events to finish.
Fête 2 – Made of Softer Stuff

The giant plush moogle run event!
Four boxes of Stuffed Toy Material appear in the area. There are three steps you have to complete to get a point.
- Interact with the Stuffed Toy Material and wait until you’re done sewing the toy.
- A toy will appear next to the box, interact with it – wait until you’ve picked it up.
- Transport the toy to the wains (wagons) and interact with the wain to send the toy on its way.
- Repeat!
This is where hitting the zero key on your number pad is essential!!!
Double tap zero to make the toy. Pause a moment – don’t get too ahead of yourself – and let the toy appear. Then double tap zero to pick it up. When you reach the wain, double tap zero again to drop it off.
That should get it done for you!
Fête 3 – Shear-a-Yak

Next up is shearing the giant ram.
You must click the button to join this FATE. It will put a new shearing skill on your hotbar. Here’s some tips for this one:
- Target the ram and use the shearing skill.
- Three pieces of yak wool will appear around the ram on the ground somewhere. Use the X key to hide player names and see them better.
- The double tap of the zero key can target and interact with the wool to help you pick it up in the middle of the crowd.
- Once you have all three, take them to the chocobo mascot to get your point. You have to turn in the three you have before you can shear the ram again.
- Then, just repeat to earn points!
Fête 4 – Toy Hunter

This is Piggy’s toy hunt event. You’ll see three interactive boxes in the area. One of them has a toy and the other two inflict the piggy status on you.
- Interact with the boxes – double tap the zero key for ease.
- If you get a toy, run it back to Piggy to turn it in for a point.
- If you get piggied, try the next box – note that you can’t open a box while you have the piggy status, but it usually wears off fast.
- Repeat for points!
Fête 5 – Presents of Mind

This event you have to pay mind to a couple things. There are three different colored presents and only one type will be lit up for you at a time. Depending on the name of the present, you must pick it up and deliver it to a corresponding NPC waiting at the other end – either an artisan, merchant or child.
Again, the difficulty comes with so many huge packages in view. But I’ve discovered something nice about this — you can pre-target both the package and the NPC as you’re running towards them since you’ll only see the players that are closest to you.
So make the best of your time running up and down – click the package to target it before you reach it, then tap zero to pick it up.
Click the NPC you want to deliver it to as you’re running towards them, then tap zero to deliver it.
And that should get you through the final fête!
Best of luck opening your gifts! May RNG be with you!