Black Desert Online is allowing folks to pre-create the new class – Corsair – as well as a character for the next Season. I was quite happy and surprised to snag the name “Petrel” going along with my bird-name theme. But then, I’m sure they freed up a lot of names and family names when they purged all the accounts in May that didn’t move over.
I’m thankful my account wasn’t one of those – I find it funny that this was the event that ended up reminding me of BDO and brought me back to the game.
Third T8 Courser
As I noted in my last post, BDO handed out coupons that gave T8 horses emblems with three Courser skills pre-learned. I took advantage of training her, and luckily got an overall smart horse on top of it. By the time she was level 30, she had all but one Courser skill learned and only a pool of 3 non-learned skills.
I’d used up all of my skill change coupons trying to learn S-Sideways, and earned a bit of a fail stack. I was pretty confident that with the 5 free skill change coupons we got as a log-in reward this week, I’d be able to finish her off as a Courser.
Sure enough, the very first coupon I used switched to S-Sideways! So, now I have trained a third T8 Courser!

Kizmit is currently undergoing Courser training for an Awakening, though I’ve failed 4 times. I’ve still got a long way to go on this mostly because I’m not putting a lot of time and effort towards it.
Now I have a third Courser sitting at the ranch!
However, I have a funny feeling that Dream Horses are going to become easier to get. Already, we’re seeing them give out a lot of Dream Horse components. But the real clue to this was in the patch notes.
When you get something rare or important from an in-game drop-box, your character does a little cheer emote for it. Honestly, this is cute, but me being self-conscious, I tend to go to a corner somewhere or my house so I don’t bother other people when I’m unlocking a large number of boxes.
In the patch notes this time around, it noted the cheer emote was added to these items:

Hmmm… Dream Horse Emblems!
So not only are they practically giving away an easier path to leveling a T8 Courser to just about everyone, it looks like Dream Horse Emblems are going to be a thing. Rare, I suppose, but still a thing. If they’ve been in game, I haven’t seen one. So, to me, they’re new.
This is fine, though. Especially since all of these are females – that will make the male Dream Horses more rare and sought after for the T9 pairing. All of my Coursers are female, but I’m not all that interested in T9 at the moment as it is. I still have too much work to do on my own stock.
Any of the other T8s I’ve ever bred have turned out to be dumb horses, sadly. So it’s not that I haven’t tried to get a male, it just hasn’t been in the cards for me.
That’s fine… I’ll work with what I have!