Some Uke Resolutions for the New Year 2022
Posted on December 31, 2021 by Aywren
I’d like to make more specific resolutions for this year in terms of learning to play uke, but really, all I know to say is to push past the part I tend to flag on time and time again. I enjoy playing uke, but for some reason or another, I set it down at just about the same spot every time. And then, my strumming finger gets out of practice and the thoughts of the blisters I’m going to get trying to get it back into shape causes me to put off playing.
I simply don’t want that to be the case this year! I have the EEI book and the new Aerobics book with lots of content to work on. I also have the Uke app to pull from, too! So with all of this learning content to support me, I really should be able to break through this block that’s kept me from moving forward.
I wish I could pin-point more specific goals for the year. I guess that might be:
- Practice consistently
- Learn to read notation
- Learn a little fingerstyle
- Learn a song I love to play
I’ll leave my goals at that for now. Short, sweet, but something to work towards!