2022 Game Goals in Review
Posted on December 31, 2022 by Aywren
It’s that time of year again. The time where I look at the goals I set for myself at the beginning of 2022 and see how well I did in keeping them.
So, let’s jump right in there and see how I did.
Spend Less on Games
This goal was broken into a few min-goals – buying less games and spending less in cashshops (mostly FFXIV). In general, I feel like I held to this pretty well.
This year, I bought 12 new games on Steam – all of which I DID spend time playing. This is up from last year, when I bought only 9 games. But most of these games were heavily on sale, some costing only a couple of dollars.
I did pick up some DLC for games such as ARK, Planet Zoo, and House Flipper. But again, these were games I played, and the DLC was usually on major discount.
My Switch purchases were mostly made from gift cards around my birthday. I did pick up a few good physical deals near to the holidays, so I splurged a bit more on Switch than I did last year.

In general, my MMO cashshop purchases have been much improved this year. I may have picked up a couple fantansias, did a name change here or there, and bought a boost when it was on sale. I also bought glamour that I had been really looking forward to. But no major mounts, emotes, or lots of character repurposing this year, like I have in the past. So, I’ll say I did better here, even if I could do even better next year.
Obtained: Yes.
Steam Backlog – Get to 65% Played
Did I achieve this? Oh, did I ever!
Not only did I reach 65% played, I went way beyond this to finish with 73% played backlog – a full 11% higher than I started this year.

I am super stoked by this and hope that I can maintain this kind of backloggery going forward.
Obtained: Yes!!!
Focus Time on Games
This was a funky sort of goal to set. The jist of it was to not just pick up and put down games, but spend quality time with them this year.
Overall, I didn’t focus on the games I had hoped to – in my post, I wanted to focus on half-played games like FFIV, and then move on to my Gift List games. But I did spend some major quality time with the games that I enjoyed most this year – you can see that in the Steam replay stats.

On top of that, I spent a good deal of time playing MiiTopia on the Switch. I’m not quite done with it, but I feel like I’m nearing the end of the story, at least.
So, even though I didn’t focus on what I expected, I did focus quite a bit. I’ll give this one a pass.
Obtained: Yes.
Get My Switch Backlog Under Control
I wrote about my Switch backlog just last month. I’ve added a few games to my library since, but it’s probably pretty close to what it was when I wrote about it then.
Based on Deku Deals – where I keep up with my Switch game list – I’m much better off now than I was at the beginning of the year.

Basically, I use the statuses like this:
Want To Play – A game I started playing, put down, but want to come back to
Currently Playing – I’m playing this game here or there in an ongoing way (more or less)
Completed – Done
Abandoned – May not be done with the game, but done playing it
None – I haven’t played or installed yet
The Abandoned section is so high because I ended up with a lot of shovelware from a giveaway around the holidays of 2021. After installing and trying each game, I found none of them were worth time putting into them – either they were just bad games or the controls were too wonky for the Switch. That kind of stuff.
At the beginning of the year, the None section was at 77 games. Now it’s at 44. I won’t say all of them were the shovelware, but likely a good deal of them were. It’s progress, however.
Still, 44 unplayed games are quite a bit, so next year I know I’m going to be focusing more on my Switch.
Obtained: Yes.
More Gaming Blogging
It was a crazy year for this blog as I began to move it off of WordPress and onto an HTML platform. I spent a lot of time converting old pages into the new HTML, so time that would have goneinto writing was sucked away with re-coding. I still have a LOT to do to finish what I’ve started, but I feel that’ll be a goal for next year.
Looking at my 2022 categories page, I feel like I still did a good deal of blogging. I did complete Blaugust this year, having written every day for that. While I was a little quieter the final months of the year, I think I’ll give myself some wiggle room on this simply due to the huge amount of coding I tackled to get the blog into the shape it is currently.
Obtained: Yes.
And there you are! These were my 2022 goals in review!
Did you achieve something you were hoping to complete this past year? Do you have things you hope to finish next year? I’ll be talking about my own goals for the new year, hopefully tomorrow!