March 2023 Gaming Goals in Review
Posted on March 31, 2023 by Aywren
This was the first time I tried my hand at some gaming goals in a good while. I did feel a little pressured to get them all done, but I’m also pleased with the outcome of rising to the challenge. How did I do? Let’s find out!
- Finish Ben’s Endwalker Class Quests ✓
- Finish Ben’s Crystalline Means Quests ✓
- Finish Koh’s Summoner Quests ✓
- Unlock Tad’s Mentor Status (finish gathering collectables) ✓
- Finish 6.3 MSQ content on alts ✓
While I still have one remaining role quest line to finish, I’m going to mark that goal as complete. I still have until tomorrow to finish it, and I plan on doing so tonight. I’m happy to finally get these quest lines done, not to mention, they all had some interesting stories – checking in on characters and situations that weren’t touched upon in the MSQ.

In the meantime, I did finish up Ben’s crafting quests and got things started for him to work on his new tool relics. I also managed to finish up Koh’s Summoner quests – which were just from level 60-70 – but important to get her level 70 skill before attempting to move further into Shadowbringers.
I also finished gathering all the collectables for Tad, which was the last requirement for him to unlock crafting/gathering Mentor status. Not anything super important, but I just noticed he was close to it, so I might as well.
The big content push was getting three of my characters through the 6.3 MSQ – which I did before 6.35 dropped. Glad to have that done!
Overall, very pleased with the amount of odds n ends I finished in FFXIV this month.
No Man’s Sky
- Finish current expedition ✓
Not only did we finish the ongoing expedition, but we also continued playing on the Utopia expedition save. Every time we run an expedition on NMS, we learn something new about the game. Currently, we’ve found a great paradise planet (with bubbles) that we are developing. I also learned how to make a lot of nanites and upgrade a ship from C to S rank (I liked how it looked).

We’ve put some time into NMS this month, and are still having fun!
Nintendo Switch
- Progress in Harvestella ✓
- Progress in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town ✓
I’ve tried to play a little of my Switch games every week. When I feel like playing something more in depth, I pick up Harvestella. When I want to chill, I pick up Story of Seasons. Sadly, this makes for some disjointed progress on both games, but I did play them every week!
Game Pass
- Play weekly Game Pass Game ✓
I did this and wrote a full post about it!
Overall, I got a lot done!
But like I noted, I’m feeling a bit frazzled about it, as if I was trying to focus on too many things throughout the week. I like that I’m making progress on Switch games. I like that I’m spending time with Game Pass games. I just feel like I need to focus more and bounce around less, but I’m not sure how that should look.
I’m debating on whether I want to do another goal month for April. There are a few small things I want to finish up in FFXIV that could fit into a goal session, so I just might!
*|* {March} *|* {2023} *|* {Gaming Goals} *|*