Second Life: Getting Back into Breedable Pets
Posted on May 11, 2023 by Aywren
I’ve had the itch to get back into breedable pets in Second Life lately. It’s been years since I’ve been involved with breedables, and I just have the room and resources to put towards them at this point. However, I didn’t want to get into something that required too much of a cash investment, nor frustrating upkeep.
In looking around at some of the newest breedables, I’ve found some that look really nice, but have astronomically high starter packs and cost way too many land impact per pet. Not to mention the ongoing cost of feeding and all that comes with upkeep and breeding.
Then, I ran across the pets at Foxtrot Breedables.
What really got my interest was this:

Yes, that’s right. They don’t eat. They don’t get sick (usually breedable pets get sick if they aren’t fed – but these don’t need food). They’re extremely low land impact per pet (from 1-3 LI each). They’re low lag because they don’t have a bunch of fancy scripts such as movement or sound.
The only time you pay for anything is when you want to breed your pets. To do this, you have to purchase a “bundle” – this varies between the pets, but in the case of the donkeys, it looks like a little basket.

You breed them when you want to. That means you choose how much money you put into your breeding effort. If all you want to do is just keep one as a pet and never breed it, you can do that, too. Permanently – unlike some breedables that cost thousands of L$ to make “permapets.”
I chose to start with the donkeys because I thought they were pretty cute. They’re static pets in that they don’t move or make any sound. So, there’s nothing fancy about them. Yet, at only 1 prim each, I could easily support a large herd if I wanted.
Foxtrot has a monthly group gift board at the main sim that provides breeders (anyone who owns or has owned a breedable) with a free gift at the start of each month. That’s how I ended up trying out the ferrets (free starter pack):

As well as the dragon-like rooks (free celebration limited edition versions):

The ferrets are also completely static, but the rooks do have a flight animation and movement if you want to enable it.
There’s plenty of other kinds of pets as well, including horses, chickens, bunnies, alpacas, butterflies and plants, just to name some.
I’m mostly just interested in owning pets and unlocking genetics. I enjoy discovering what kind of hidden genes my starters have – which is why I began with a fresh set of generation 1 pets.
I was super lucky to have gotten a random LE Mother’s Day coat on my very first donkey! I’ll be breeding her back into the line hoping that she can pass that coat along to make more.
We’ll have to see! It’s just nice to have a low-pressure and much cheaper breedable pet to enjoy in Second Life again.
*|* {May} *|* {2023} *|* {Second Life} *|*