LOTRO: Buying the Geode House
Posted on June 16, 2023 by Aywren
A little over a year ago, I wrote about my experiences with the LOTRO premium housing. That’s when I first decided to use some of the surplus LOTRO points that have been accumulating over many years due to a VIP account on these houses.
I kept meaning to do a follow-up post on obtaining furniture and other bits n bobs, but I never got around to doing it. While I do often log into LOTRO for the daily rewards, I don’t spend a lot of time actually playing the game. So, housing explorations were set aside until…
Last month, they offered up a Homestead and Harvest coffer which included stables and horses and all sorts of things that you know that I’m interested in. Not to mention a lute dance emote, which is perfect for bards. While it was a pricey set, and I wasn’t 100% happy with how the crops turned out (tiny crops that take up too many hooks rather than a nice big garden), I was happy with the horses and stables.

This shop item got me back into decorating around my homes, which remain sadly not-fully decorated. It also got me into thinking about buying yet another home for another character… since I still have more LOTRO points than I know what to do with.
At first, I thought about getting a place in the alternative Rohan area – Eastfold. I don’t dislike the zone, but something about it and just how dark the wood of the structures is puts me off a bit.
The idea was that I’d be picking up a third house on my Amon alt. I rolled a second minstrel (elf) and have been poking around at the new game experience from time to time just out of curiosity.
However, when I went to shop for the new house, I learned that a character has to be level 15 in order to buy one. I probably knew this years ago, but it came as a surprise to me at that point. Amon was sitting at level 9… so… a leveling I did go!

I spent a few hours focusing down quests – things that I only vaguely remembered from doing years and years ago. Eventually, Amon hit level 15, and I was back on the road to go pick out a house for him. I almost… almost bought one in Eastfold – the one with the tower.
But then, I saw something about the Geode House in the dwarf neighborhood of Erebor.
There’s one house in zones that’s considered a little fancier than the others – sometimes noted as “stately”. Maybe it’s due to placement. Maybe it has an additional structure. It’s a little more expensive and often harder to find because it sells more quickly than the normal houses.
I’d not even considered housing in Erebor before that. Amon is an elf, not a dwarf, and I wasn’t too hot on the idea of underground housing. However, I saw a picture of what folks call the Geode House, and that was it.

While I’m still not sold on the idea of underground housing, Amon is very much connected to the idea of crystals and living within crystal structures. So as odd as it was for an elf to buy a dwarf house, it’s what I chose. And boy is the outside cavern stunning!
A walkthrough of someone else's Geode house:
The inside isn’t so bad, either. I spent a lot of time putting up wall décor and finding a nice long table for the main hall. Trying to make something dwarfy into something elfy. That sort of thing.

There are even rooms within the house that break away to crystal walls, which I think are pretty cool looking!

And so, I now have a third house that’s not decorated yet. But it has lots of crystals. And that’s what’s important.
Oh, and stables, too. Stables are also important!

I’ll try to remember to work on that post about picking up housing décor, wall paper, and that sort of thing. There’re some neat environmental items you can add to the outdoors area that controls the lighting and weather – stuff I had no clue about until I just stumbled upon it.
*|* {June} *|* {2023} *|* {Lord of the Rings Online} *|*