Breyer Introduction – Maelstrom
Posted on June 23, 2023 by Aywren
Maelstrom is the first of the Halloween Breyer horses in my collection. What’s super cool about these collectables is that they glow in the dark!
I ran across a different Halloween horse first – named EEK! – and then discovered there’s a whole line of horses for the spooky month. And if you know me, you know that I love me some Halloween.
Sadly, Halloween horses seem to be hard to get at a decent price on the secondary market. Maelstrom was last year’s horse, and even he can cost you quite a bit. I picked him up on Amazon at a good price, actually, so he was completely new in box.
Even so, he arrived with a slight defect on his front foreleg where the paint has a chunk within it. Kinda a bummer, but I still like him a lot. I hear it’s not totally unusual for there to be “factory defects” – which kinda makes me scratch my head given the fact they’re supposed to be “hand painted” right? Hm…
The major theme for this horse is ghost pirates and ships – hence the Maelstrom name. You can see where the pinto designs create silhouettes of skeletal pirates, ships, islands and maps. Very cool design!

I’ve made up my mind that I’d love to collect more of the Halloween horses. But unlike the winter Holiday horses, they are just SO expensive, as I said before.
In fact, I’ve gone ahead and preordered this year’s Halloween limited edition because I read that there may only be 3,000 of them made. This is my first year collecting the horses, so I’m not sure how hard they are to get after the holiday – the fact that I could still pick up Maelstrom on Amazon from last year’s Halloween tells me either many of him were made or he just wasn’t super popular.

I think he’s a pretty awesome model with an awesome design, so I can’t believe he was unpopular. But who knows. I don’t have my finger on the pulse of the general consensus in the Breyer community yet. I’m still such a noob, but it’s great fun!