FFXIV: What We Know About the Dawntrail Expansion
Posted on August 3, 2023 by Aywren
Over the past weekend, the FFXIV fanfest brought to us news of the next expansion, called Dawntrail. Due in about a year or so (they said tentatively sometime next summer), we were only given information about the settings and overall theme of the expansion so far.

As always, they like to hold back information – such as job announcements – until we get to future fanfests. Since we have two more of those coming – one in October and one in January – it’ll be a while until we get all the info lined up.
What do we know?
We’ve got a theme: Journey of Discovery

Interestingly enough, as hinted by the end of Endwalker 6.0 MSQ, we’re turning towards new lands in our own world, rather than exploring more of the reflections of the Source. There was some speculation that the 13th might be the next location for the expansion, but despite the Void fun we’ve been having in the 6.0x lines, the team has chosen to go back to something more tame.
They touted it to being somewhat of a fun vacation style theme where the Scions are rivals to unfold the mysteries of the New World.
I’m not quite sure how that’s going to pan out after the end of the universe type stories we’ve been working through, but I’m along for the ride.

The New World has been hinted at, similar to Thavnair and Sharlyan, for quite a while. As soon as Syn saw this picture (maybe even before), she quickly made ties to Peru – and even sent me photos of real world landscapes that look similar to this.
So, we’re heading to a location that’s heavily South American inspired, which is interesting and welcome.
What Else Do We Know?
I’m going to tick these off in a list since there are a lot of details, and it would take far too long to write about each and every one of them. Of course, we’re getting things like new MSQ, a new hub city, new dungeons, etc. The things we’ve come to expect.
We can also expect:
- Level cap increase to level 100
- Two new jobs – a melee DPS and magical ranged DPS
- Duty Support update
- New Allied Tribe: The Pelupelu
- New Variant Dungeons & Raids
- PVP Update
- Blue Mage Update
- More Hilidbrand
- Expansive new lifestyle content
- New plans for Deep Dungeons
- Gold Saucer update
- First Graphics Update
- Auto Generated Environments
- Two dyes per gear piece
- Eyeglasses
- Furnishing limit increase
- Collaborative Strategy Board (For trial and raid teams)
And of course, aside all of this, FFXIV is coming to Xbox.
The Free Trial will be expanded (before the expansion) to include Stormblood and up to level 70 play.
A cross-over with Fall Guys that gives us a new Gold Saucer activity.
That’s quite a bit overall, and this is just the first announcement. I mean, look at this lovely landscape comparison!