Buying Those “Bad” Game Bundles
Posted on August 26, 2023 by Aywren
I have been feeling so super guilty about buying gaming bundles this year. It started when I ran across Fanatical (used to be called Bundle Stars), which hooked me up bundles that had one or two games I was truly interested in buying. Which meant, I tended to pick up a few additional games here or there that I didn’t technically want or need, simply because the price was right.
While I name this post “Bad Game Bundles,” the truth is, I didn’t buy a bundle unless it had at least one or two games I had on my Steam wishlist already, or was really thinking of buying. In picking up these bundles, I was always getting a great deal.
I don’t buy bundles just for the sake of buying bundles. I have actually by-passed a bunch of bundles this year because there weren’t at least two of three games that I really wanted.
I’ve picked up titles like:
- Such Art
- Owlboy
- Oblivion GotY Edition
- Calico
- Garden Paws
- Roadwarden
- Road 96
…a bunch of pretty great games, honestly.
Not to mention a whole slew of Train Simulator and DLC…

…Which I’m pretty excited about trying out!
The only bad thing about these bundles, honestly, is that they have expanded my backlog… I mean… library. In fact, I should be excited that I got so many great games at great prices.
Not to mention, after picking up a bundle, Fanatical tempts you with a deal of two mystery games for $1.49. And… it always works on me.
Sometimes I get things I don’t care for. In that case, I just drop them in a toot on Mastodon and give the key away. Sometimes, though, I get decent enough games for the tiny cost.

Part of my “Don’t Care” Gaming Summer project it to learn not to sweat buying bundles, as long as I’m buying them for games I do want to play eventually. I mean, I really should be celebrating getting good games at a huge cut in price and not be down on myself for “adding games to the backlog.”
Again, not every bundle Fanatical tosses my way has something of interest to me. I also spend time looking at the games I choose, checking out the Steam page, and investigating the game ratings before I add a game to my bundle stack.
It’s just a matter of finding the time to play all these gems that are now in my library!
How about you? Do you invest in gaming bundles, or do you stay away?