FFXIV: Patch 6.5 Release Notes Highlights
Posted on September 29, 2023 by Aywren
The preliminary patch notes for FFXIV 6.5 have dropped, so you know what time it is! I pour through them and highlight the things that catch my eye.
As always, this omits story, raid, dungeon, and the typical stuff we expect from a patch. Nothing wrong with those, it’s just not the focus of these posts. Also, if you have thoughts on what you’re looking forward to, I’d love to hear them in the comments!
New furnishings have been added.
All the furnishings – from the contest and not – are really nice this time around. I’m sure I’ll find purpose for a bit of redecoration. That outdoors fountain looks like something my Island could use, in particular!
The following additions and adjustments have been made to the Island Sanctuary.
All of the new additions to the Island Sanctuary seem really good! I’m looking forward to maxing out my island and checking out this new system for rewards.

Long overdue changes, very happy to see it!

Oh, are these the new glowy tools? And I just finished last expansion’s not long ago, too. I will have to work on this, it seems!
Players with only FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn registered to their account will have the registration of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood applied to their account automatically.
Nothing else needs to be said. Great change!
Estimated travel time will now be displayed when traveling between data centers.
Excellent change!

New custom deliveries? Well, not that I really need them, or have the time to run through them on all of my crafting characters, but this is still probably a good thing for folks working on the relics (which I haven't been). I'll still do them, I'm sure.
New items are available from certain gemstone traders.
I still REALLY need to finish all the zones in terms of gem collecting, so maybe this will be motivation.
New Charge symbol options have been added to Company Crests.
New FC emblem designs are always nice.
New hairstyle options have been added for Viera/Hrotghar.
This will never not be a “nice” for me. I just wish they’d work on some of the hats now. I’m sad that I don’t seem to be able to wear Matoya’s Hat on my bun for Halloween this year.

So here are the promised tweaks to the Alliance Raids. First, the ilvl thing will make it so people don’t just take off gear as to force lower difficulty raids – high level folks must meet a certain ilvl. Experience has been increased for harder raids. Also, it looks like all raids except the CT raids now drop bonus tomes. Which is great, but that still doesn’t mean I’ll be happy to queue into some of them!

Happy that Duty Support now covers all of MSQ through the whole game. I do hope they’ll consider going back and adding it to some of the still-required dungeons that aren’t part of MSQ now. There are just a handful, but they do exist.
Also… Duty Support for trials when?

A good change overall. The teleportation screen is getting a bit confusing at this point.

Very cute! I’m always all for more additions to Gpose!

Zeromus barding??? Yes, it seems so. Never would have thought I’d see the day.
In the event that server congestion is preventing travel to a particular World, requests to visit that World will now be canceled automatically.
Interesting. Hopefully it lets you know why.
And that really is that for these patch notes. I think this is the first time I’ve not had a “Yuk!” category, which is good. Still, most things have fallen into the “Nice” area – things that are nice to have but not super, super exciting overall. I was rather expecting that, however, based on what we learned from the live letters.