Halloween Breyer Horses – They Glow in the Dark!
Posted on October 20, 2023 by Aywren
While I have only been collecting Breyer horse models for about half a year now, I made a point to collect as many of the Halloween limited editions as I could. Interestingly enough, previous year Halloween horses are often quite pricey on Ebay and in the resale market, sometimes even more than the Christmas horses.
I’m not quite sure why that is, but it has kept me from picking up too many models that feature horses from one of my favorite holidays. I did at least get the traditional and freedom size horses from last year and this year, however, as well as a couple of this year’s stablemates.
I’m not too much of a stablemate collector as I prefer the larger size models, but these were just so nice, and I ended up with the two I really hoped for despite them being in random blind bags.
With all that said, let me introduce my Halloween horse herd – models from 2022 and 2023!

I actually wrote about Malestrom earlier this year as he was one of the first horses I added to my collection. He was also my first Halloween horse!
He is the 2022 traditional size Halloween limited edition, and has a theme of ships and skeleton pirates.


This is Tabitha, a witch-themed freedom-sized 2022 limited edition. She has some neat stars and moon themes in there that really pop when you see her glow in the dark!


This might be the most colorful model in my collection right now! Spectre is the traditional sized 2023 limited edition model. He’s got a neat orange and purple coloration with a ghostly theme.


Slither is a zebra-striped Arabian whose pattern becomes hidden snakes – a very cool idea. He also has a neat green to bronze color shift and sparkle. He’s the 2023 freedom sized limited edition.

Mini Nevermore & Mini Apparition

And finally, the two stablemates I picked up with just pure luck at the random blind bags – Mini Nevermore and Mini Apparition. These are smaller models of the original Nevermore and Apparition, who are both very lovely Halloween limited editions from years past. Apparently, Breyer takes the patterns from the bigger horses and sees which smaller horse models would best represent them – a kind of re-release that is both old and new.
There were actually three horses you could get, and these were the exact two I wanted, so I feel very fortunate! I don’t think the little ones glow in the dark, however.


Leif is not a Halloween horse, but he is the 2023 fall decorator limited edition. When I first saw him with his lovely gold leaf pattern, I knew I had to have him! I feel like he has a place among his more spooky kin, and he’s currently enjoying a spot on my mantle, next to the Halloween pumpkin!

*|* {October} *|* {2023} *|* {Breyer Horses} *|*