On the Second Day of Giftmas…
Posted on December 9, 2023 by Aywren
I wouldn’t normally go for a larger present this early on, but the cat was taking interest in it last night, so I decided to play it safe and eliminate the one that caught his attention. Ironically, it has cat wrapping paper.

I was stoked to get this because it was something I had near the top of my wishlist! I’ve been in a situation in which I have several very cute mugs, but no place to put them. I didn’t want to stash them up in a cupboard (which are mostly full already), so I poked around to see what I might be able to do to use them as decoration. I wanted to save space, so this looked like the perfect thing.
It went into use immediately!

It was quite easy to put together and just as sturdy as I hoped it would be, even with a few larger mugs in the mix.

It’s now perched on my counter, and it’s so much better than having mugs stashed all over the place like I did before. Even on the top of the fridge. I just don’t have a lot of counter space, so this worked great!