On the Fifth Day of Giftmas…
Posted on December 12, 2023 by Aywren
Today I went back to picking a smaller gift from under the tree. This was stately and stylish, but also curious, so I selected it.
Inside, I got a note in my sister’s handwriting…

Aw, dang. I do know Breyers are pricey, so I get it.
Deeper within the tissue, though, I found…

Oh my word! It’s a Barbie Dreamtopia Sparkle Cake Unicorn!
This must be the new Mini Whinnie model!
What do you mean that it’s not a Breyer?

Right there with my Stablemates. Sparkle Cake is as much of a Breyer as she lets herself be!
My gift from my Mom came in today via Amazon, so that gets a moment of blog, too.

And inside…

JUMBO sized rubber duckie! And yes, this was on my wishlist since I so enjoy Placid Plastic Duck Simulator. I just had no idea that JUMBO size would mean really, really JUMBO size!
I mean, here he is next to the calendar I opened earlier for size comparison.

That’s one big rubber duckie!