On the Thirteenth Day of Giftmas…
Posted on December 20, 2023 by Aywren
Well, we’ve passed beyond the initial 12 days of Giftmas, so the titles are going to be a bit more clunky from here on out. That’s fine, though right?
Today, I chose a gift bag that my cat has been scolded for taking interest in more than once the past couple days. It’s time to unwrap it and put it out of his reach. I think he was most interested in the tissue paper inside.
What else was inside?

I’ve been reading a lot of philosophy lately, and this was one of the recommended books on a list of such titles. I added it to my Amazon wishlist, so here it is!
I’ve also been grabbing the best thoughts and ideas from the philosophy I’ve been reading lately and adding it (slowly) to my Commonplace Book. Should this book have excellent thoughts, this might be the next one on my list to quote. I hope to start reading it once I’m done with Meditations.