Steam Year in Review for 2023
Posted on December 20, 2023 by Aywren
Like last year, Steam has pulled together yearly stats for everyone’s playtime in 2023. As much as I struggled with the fact that I added way too many bundle games to my backlog this year, I actually did quite well when it comes to my year in review.

And when compared with last year’s review, which I was satisfied with, my stats were quite comparable. I only played two more games in total last year than I did this year.

I do have to say that the spider graph they provide made me laugh, though. Particularly the “automobile sim” leg, based on how much American Truck Simulator I’ve picked up just as of late.

I also want to note that it’s crazy that I still haven’t finished Baldur’s Gate 3, yet it remains 15% of my gaming time this year, apparently.
Sadly, however, I was so close to reaching 75% of my backlog played this year. Then I invested in the massive Jingle Jam bundle which knocked me all the way back down to 66% played. However, it was a super deal for a lot of games I am interested in trying – and I only redeemed the games I was certain I wanted.
I’ll be writing about the bundle situation in another post, so I don’t want to belabor it too much here. This wasn’t a post bemoaning my choices and the backlog numbers that resulted from it. This was a post that was quite happy with what I did play this year overall.
Have you looked at your Steam year in review? What did you think, if so?
*|* {December} *|* {2023} *|* {Steam Gaming} *|*