My 2023 Holiday Breyer Horses
Posted on December 22, 2023 by Aywren
Each year, Breyer releases a number of holiday horses, just as they do for Halloween. While I did pass on the decorator horses, I had the official holiday LE pre-ordered months ago.
I’m still new to the world of Breyers and how they work. I did discover, however, that pre-ordering the holiday specials is really not necessary. In fact, I could have picked them up from Amazon for free shipping if I’d known. Sure, I wouldn’t have gotten them as early, but I’ve had my Highlander for months now, and only just opened the box when I brought the Christmas decorations out.
So, note to self – Amazon is the way to go on some of the LE horses.
There are some, however, that are only available on the Breyer site, such as the Winterfest and decorators. I gave the decorators a pass because none of them caught my eye. But I didn’t expect the Winterfest horses!
All in all, I picked up three holiday horses this year. While I already have pages made up for them, I still wanted to talk about them individually.

Highlander is the official Breyer holiday horse of the year, and the one I pre-ordered months back. I like that he’s got a Scottish theme, and really enjoy the blanket decorations. Compared to a few of the other older holiday horses, he’s somewhat less decorative, but I’m okay with that.
He’s currently on my mantle.

Mouse was the first I saw of the Winterfest teasing. I didn’t realize there were Winterfest horses that were separate from the holiday horse. He’s a pony, and I didn’t have any pony models up until now, but I found him just too cute to resist. Not only that, but as a mouse/rat lover, and Mouse having been my nickname in high school, I knew I needed to add him to my collection.
He’s also on my mantle now.
TB Trueno

TB Trueno was an unexpected purchase for me. When I saw a picture of him, I thought he was nice looking – I had no idea how stunning he’d be in person though!
What made me pull the trigger on picking him up was that not only was he lovely to look at, but he represents one of the performing horses of Sylvia Zerbini – whom I saw perform during this year’s Breyerfest online. I was so taken aback by these horses, that the moment I realized this was a model of one of them, I knew I had to pick him up.
I’m a real fan of pearl paint, and I’ve put him up on my entertainment stand where he has a place all his own. Trueno is now one of my favorite models in my collection and I do not regret buying him at all!
*|* {December} *|* {2023} *|* {Breyer Horses} *|*