On the Fifteenth Day of Giftmas…
Posted on December 22, 2023 by Aywren
Getting into some of the larger stuff that I saved for last now.
I think I may have mis-counted the presents, actually. I had some empty boxes under the tree when I made the count, so I might have been off by one. I’ll keep looking, though, just to make sure I didn’t pass one by. This just means I won’t have a present to open on Christmas, but that’s okay!
Anyhow… what’s in the bag?

Another bag!
No… no… just kidding.

A fun doormat that I’ve had on my wishlist for a while. Isn’t it great?
And next to the door it goes immediately.

My previous doormat was looking pretty worn out since I’ve had it for… gosh… 15 years or so. It was time to get a new one, so may as well get a fantasy/DnD inspired theme, right?
Love it!