2023: This Blog in Review
Posted on December 23, 2023 by Aywren
A whole lot of stuff happened with this blog in 2023, and I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out. My major goal was to finally finish moving all the content off my old WordPress blog to this HTML site. With some buckling down, I did just that.
It was many hours of work to complete. But, now I’m free of any third-party control of my site. My pages are coded by myself, and as long as I keep diligent backups on my own drives, I don’t rely on any outside software to keep it afloat (aside from a webhost, which I can change anytime I need to).
Though this was big enough as it was, I’ve accomplished several other improvements or small projects linked to this site as a whole. Some of it was outside of the scope of the blog, as I also create pages for my interests in general.
This included:
- Creating the Microblog section and moving content from other sources there
- Creating new sections in the Shrine area, namely BDO Horses and Breyer Horses
- Completely revamping the Diamond Painting section to fit the theme of the site
- Organizing posts by topic and maintaining a new Topics section alongside yearly Categories
- Creating a new Commonplace Book section to reflect things I’m reading and thinking about
I’m not sure what 2024 looks like for the Nook just yet. I do know that I have SO MANY GAMES to play in my backlog, and I want to focus on that in the upcoming year.
In the past couple years, I’ve played so many games that I’ve never talked about here because the goal was to shave down my backlog. This year, though, I want to not just experience the games, but write about them again, like I used to.
Based on my backlog in Steam and Switch, 2024 looks like it will be a busy year!