On the Sixteenth Day of Giftmas…
Posted on December 23, 2023 by Aywren
I’m getting down to the last couple of presents, and I think I’ll be wrapping up (see what I did there?) this blog series tomorrow on Christmas Eve! But for today, I picked this rather large box.
It didn’t fare so well in shipping and got a bit squished, but it’s still very cute! What’s inside, though?

A uke book that I had on my wishlist! I was very interested in this because a musician worked to transpose old traditional tunes into the tuning of the uke instrument.
I’d love to learn to play some of this kind of music, so I guess I need to double down on my uke practice during this vacation and into next year. It tends to be the easiest instrument for me to play of the ones I own, once I get my strumming finger in good shape.
This will be incentive!