March 2023 Archives
March 2023 Gaming Goals in Review

Posted on March 31
This was the first time I tried my hand at some gaming goals in a good while. I did feel a little pressured to get them all done, but I’m also pleased with the outcome of rising to the challenge. How did I do? Let’s find out!

PC Game Pass Exploration: March 2023

Posted on March 30
One of my goals this year is to try to get as much out of my PC Game Pass subscription as I can. So during the month of March, I vowed to try at least one new game a week. Here’s how this turned out for me!

Sims 4 – Green to Queen (Bad to Good Challenge)

Posted on March 20
In my previous post I wrote about how I had picked up the newest Sims 4 expansion (which I’ve really enjoyed) and that I’d rediscovered my Bad to Good Challenge family to explore it.

Sims 4: Growing Together Expansion Releases

Posted on March 17
Yesterday, the newest expansion pack for Sims 4, titled Growing Together, released. While there was a lot of hype around it due to the fact that this was a lot of stuff family players wanted, I didn’t pre-order and waited to see what people said about the pack on release.

PC Gamepass Exploration: Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion

Posted on March 16
For last week’s Gamepass pick, I chose to check out Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion. I’ve seen the game around here and there, but had no idea what it was really about. I knew it was a rather short game (about 2-3 hours) based on the how long to beat score on the PC Gamepass page, which was one of the motivations for choosing the game.

Posted on March 14
This is a very peculiar post to make for me. I’ve been playing FFXIV for going on 10 years now this September, and I’ve always dabbled in crafting of some form. In fact, I have three characters who are crafting/gathering mentors, and many alts who have gathering maxed – just for the making gil part of it.

Applesoft BASIC – Coding Like it's 1985!

Posted on March 6
One of the things I discovered in this box was dot-matrix print-outs of old Applesoft BASIC code that were passed out in one of my earliest computer classes. I’d say this was about 4th-5th grade, and we were working on old Apple IIe machines, since that was the standards for schools back then.

Posted on March 5
Back in August of last year, I wrote about how I wanted a side alt in FFXIV that somewhat represented myself. Though my main has been Ben since the Great Main Switcheroo of 2021, I had that longing feeling for a character that I could identify with. I chose my bunny, then under the name of Fljot. – Blogging on the Fediverse (And Everywhere Else)

Posted on March 2 is a streamlined blogging platform that is smack dab in the middle of the Fediverse. As its name alludes, you can draft everything from short micro posts (think Tweets/Toots) to full-length blog posts.

Posted on March 1
It’s been a long time since I’ve written out gaming goals like this, but I feel like I’ve of a mindset to start this up again – at least for this month. We’ll see if I feel like following up on it again next month.