Nekoweb – New Free HTML Web Host
Posted on March 3, 2024 by Aywren
While I’m an avid user of Neocities, and I don’t plan on making a move to a different host until I really must, I wanted to highlight a new free web host that I’ve heard about lately. This host is named Nekoweb, which you can find at
You can see examples of recently updated sites that members have created on the front page. You can also see other members’ cursors on the front page as they move. You can hover over their cursor to see their username, and even hit Enter to type a short message which everyone on the front page can see! Fun stuff!
It appears the free account has space limited to 500MB max. There is subfolder support and, from what I’ve heard, there are no limitations on file types.
Here’s what the dashboard looks like:
If you need more options, you can join their Patreon and pay for features at two different monthly tiers.
The $3 tier allows you to map up to 10 custom domain names to subfolders (you can host several sites this way), offers 20GB of storage, 100,000 max files, the ability to use FTP for uploads/downloads, GIT support, and more. I feel these features are quite generous at this price, being $2 cheaper than the offerings of Neocities.
Note, that there isn’t a social media backdrop to Neokoweb like Neocities, has. But you can follow other sites to quickly visit them from you Follow tab. I’m assuming you can also see who follows you on your Follower tab, but considering I haven’t built anything there yet, and don’t have followers, I can’t fully confirm.
There is an official Discord, which I haven’t joined (I’m not much for joining bunches of Discord servers), but I hope it’s a place to get answers to questions, share websites, and swap coding tips.
All in all, I’m glad to see more folks joining in the community-driven free HTML website host offerings. If you’re looking for a new site home, this might be a host to check out!