Festival of Blogging - Blaugust 2024 is on the Way!
Posted on July 13, 2024 by Aywren
It’s almost that time of year again, when the blogging corner of the internet opens the invitation for new and returning bloggers to jump back in and join the fun! Blaugust is about learning how to start your own blog, or dusting off that blog that you haven’t visited in a while, all while making friends and finding other bloggers to support your explorations.
It’s also about challenging yourself to write consistently throughout the month – as much as time and inspiration allows. While the “challenge” aspect is to blog a little every day for a month, this is NOT set in stone, so don’t let that scare you away. The true goal is just to blog as you can, enjoy blogging, connect with the blogging community, and hopefully take something away from the festival that keeps you going through the year beyond.
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in doing, and you have questions, feel free to leave them for me here in the comments. I’m part of the Mentor group, and I’d be happy to help.
You can also connect with the wider blogging community at the official Blaugust Discord!
Other links of interest:
-The official Blaugust post – here’s where you can get all the details
-The sign-up form to join Blaugust
-The Prompt List – no writing ideas? We’ve got your back!
Blaugust begins August 1, so now’s a great time to start jotting down blog post ideas as they come to you. That’s what I’m going to be doing to get ready for the next month.
Hope to see you there!