FFXIV: Dawntrail May Break Me of Max-Level Altoholism
Posted on August 11, 2024 by Aywren
Folks who know my FFXIV habits know that I have way too many alts in a game that has no real need for alts. My Mateus crew is full up with 8 characters, and I have another couple free companies hanging out on other servers with numerous characters there.
Most of my Mateus crew are level 90 and ready to go through Dawntrail, with the exception of the two that are already done with Dawntrail, and two who are back in Shadowbringers. This was done primarily because Trusts have made it pretty simple to push through to level 90, and the crafting leve turn-ins at that level are a great way to make low-effort gil for my characters.
However, after pushing through Dawntrail twice, I don’t know if I have the drive or the spoons to continue to move more alts through this newer content.
Can I do it? Yes. Even 98% solo, I’ve been fine to do it.
As I said, I pushed all the way up through the MSQ on an alt all by myself, thanks to the Trust system – aside from the last dungeon and the final boss. And while I’m capable of doing it, I find the trend in slightly more difficult battle content in this expansion fairly tiring.
While I can do it, I’m not sure I want to do it.

Now, I might turn around later into the expansion, once I’ve had a little rest, and start yet another alt. Who knows. I am going to take all of my alts into Tural, though, mostly just so that Wuk Lamat is not hanging around in Sharlayan while I’m there turning in my leves for gil.
I don’t have much of a reason to move into to the new level 100 crafting leves since they don’t pay out all that much more than what I already make. I’ve already established a routine that works well for the Sharyalan leves, so no point in changing.
All of my level 90 alts have already leveled their main crafter to 100 using weekly turn-ins, so it’s not even a matter of leveling my crafters. It sucks a little that orange scrips are locked behind reaching Solution 9, though. So, having level 100 crafters doesn’t really give that much of a benefit outside of just being able to easy fast-craft tea for turn-ins.
I haven’t felt this level of low engagement with an expansion since Stormblood, to be honest. I remember writing a post back then of how I knew it would be difficult for me to push an alt through Stormblood content at the time. Turns out, I ended up buying story skips to by-pass Stormblood on a number of alts. So, S/E profited from my lack of spoons in that day and age.
When Trusts were introduced in Shadowbringers, however, I’ve had no issue pushing through expansions mostly solo since. I am truly grateful for the ability to do so, this time through even two trials. Kinda wish the last trial was Trust-able, but I guess you have to have group content somewhere in the MSQ.
Despite this, however, I still just don’t feel that burning desire to progress on alts this time around. We’ll see how it goes as I have more down time with this expansion. I am keeping myself busy on my main working on a number of goals I have, so that could also be a factor in this.