Gaming Confession: I Still Haven’t Finished Baldur’s Gate 3
Posted on August 12, 2024 by Aywren
The 1 year anniversary of Baldur’s Gate 3 - a game I had not planned to buy but got sucked into anyhow – was earlier this month. Not only have I never written about my adventures in BG3 (despite meaning to), I’ve still never finished the game yet.
Back when the game released, I was very much into it. I enjoyed it with friends. I enjoyed it solo. I loved so much about the experience, and put over 100 hours into the game.
I still think it’s fantastic. I still want to finish it. Part of me is glad that I dragged my heels in doing so, because now there are more options and fleshed-out endings to look forward to than back when the game first released. And yet, I haven’t touched the game since November of last year, where I left off.
So, what happened that killed my momentum?
It’s hard to say. I fizzled out at the beginning of Chapter 3, right after getting into Baldur’s Gate itself. I know that’s so close to the end, but it also feels so far away. Mostly because there’s something about dense city settings with all the quests and goings-on that feels just a little bit overwhelming to me in an RPG.
I have a habit of losing interest in a game when encountering a big city, and I can’t tell you why. Maybe it’s just that it feels like there’s so much to see and do. While you might think that sounds like a good thing, when there’s too many objectives spread out through a city environment, it just doesn’t work well for me.

I’m sure that if I spent more time in Baldur’s Gate, I could learn my way around and overcome the feeling of overwhelm that I get in RPG cities in general. I didn’t dislike the city or my time there, and I honestly remember enough about what I was doing and who I interacted with in the game to pick up where I left off pretty easily.
Just like with all of my other gaming goals – both PC and Switch – this requires time and attention, both which I seem to struggle to offer to games that I’m not already focused on playing with other people. I’m very good at dropping dozens of hours in MMOs or co-op survival games, but terrible at playing games on my own for some reason.
Anyhow, I’m wandering off of what I intended to write about – mostly that I very much enjoyed my time in BG3, and I very much still want to finish it! It’s really just finding the time and motivation to do so that I struggle with!
Do you have trouble focusing on single player games like I do? Do you have any suggestions for how I can overcome this issue and enjoy single player games again?