My Breyerfest 2024 Haul
Posted on August 21, 2024 by Aywren
For the second year in a row, I attended the online Breyerfest event. This is a weekend of horse-related festivities that takes place live in the Kentucky Horse Park, which is streamed to those who purchase a digital ticket.
Along with that, there are a number of rare special run horse models that you can only buy at Breyerfest (or afterward, at an inflated price on the secondary market, such as eBay). Of course, I signed up for my chance to pick up some of the models that caught my eye.
I’ll be adding these up in my Breyer section, but I wanted to write a post about the models I picked up. So, here’s my haul of horses this year!
Athenian Lady

This lovely model is the 2024 Celebration horse, which means everyone who bought a ticket got her for “free.” I was especially happy with this because I collect this mold in particular, so she fit right with my conga – which you can see at the top of this post. Not to mention, this horse has a wonderful rescue story.
I heard in the end that she actually sold out, which I feel like is somewhat rare for a Celebration horse. Happy I got mine!
Better Than Revenge

Being an online ticket holder, I didn’t have a huge amount of choice in the special runs I could choose from this year. This little pastel rainbow zebra wasn’t something I’d normally choose, but she instantly reminded me of something from a piece of Lisa Frank artwork. With that charming thought in mind, I added her to my selection list and received her.
Just Like Fire

This is another horse that I wouldn’t have normally bought, except I collect this mold on a conga. The phoenix design is rather cool, however, and much more brilliant in person than a photo can depict. Being a classic size, he wasn’t as pricey as the larger models, and doesn’t take up as much shelf space. So up he goes with the rest of my Malik conga!
Surprise! Girls Run the World

Every year, there’s a “Surprise” model, which is basically like a gatcha for horse model collectors. There’s a single mold chosen, painted in different coat colors, and usually split between matte and glossy versions. Some coat colors are more rare than others, with glossy often being the rarest types.
When I saw the reveal for this model, I went back and forth a bit on whether I wanted to get it. Seeing the variations in coat colors, there was only one coat that I really liked - blue roan varnish semi-leopard appaloosa.
The rest of the coat colors were just okay to me, and the mold wasn’t anything that stood out. I tend to like models that have some sort of motion to them, and don’t usually collect the ones that are just standing still like this one.
I knew that should I buy this model, I was likely risking getting a mold and coat color I wasn’t impressed with. However, the blue roan appaloosa was the least rare in terms of number produced, so my chances were higher to get the one I wanted, and I rolled the dice.
Ended up… I did get the blue roan appaloosa, but I got the GLOSSY version of her. Now, I’m not usually a glossy collector, however, in this case, only 375 of this particular coat and finish were created. So, I ended up not only with the coat color I wanted, but one of the rarest of the models I could have received.
I was most pleased with my luck of the draw for this surprise horse!
Blue Zeus
I have one more horse that I ordered, however, due to a mix-up in shipping and supply, I will not be seeing him until December. While I put my order in as soon as humanly possible, because I knew that if I did not, there would eventually be a cut-off for Blue Zeus, the shippers went ahead and sent out a bunch of the models that were supposed to be on backorder, and a number of folks who put in a legit order ended up backordered instead. Including me.
Confusing, I know. Basically, mine shouldn’t have been backordered. But I still have to wait until December. They did acknowledge this mistake in an email and are giving me a $20 voucher as well as a free enamel pin, so I’m chilling about the situation.
Therefore, I do not have a picture of this model because it hasn’t arrived yet. This was a bummer to me, and anyone else who got mixed up in this fiasco. But I suppose December is only 4 more months away.
Anyhow, this was my Breyerfest haul this year! Be looking for me to add their pages to my Breyer section, probably after Blaugust is over with.