No Man’s Sky: Paradise Lost
Posted on August 28, 2024 by Aywren
It’s nothing new that when NMS changes up the way their universe is structured, this can affect all planets, including planets that people have built bases upon. I write this post in memory of a beautiful bubble paradise world that Syn and I adopted and spent many hours building our bases upon.
I don’t begrudge NMS for bringing out the Worlds 1 update – how can I? We’ve gotten more than our money’s worth in free updates and expeditions over the years. But I’m still a little sad that our once lovely paradise planet with bubbles and blue sky is now this…

Ugly reddish-brown grass, yellow sky, super-heated storms on a planet that never had storms before. It’s truly a loss because the planet we used to have, after much time searching, had been perfect.
I even specifically built a glass bottom floor in my dance lounge so you could peer down at the bubbles from above. No point in having that anymore since it only shows the ugly colored grass now.

This was the first time I spent a significant amount of investment in building in NMS – likely because they introduced the difficulty level settings, which allows you to build without needing to gather the material. I could just have fun – which I did – in exploring and building up my base!

While Syn is not normally a huge builder, lately she’s been enjoying the building aspects in many of the survival games we’ve been playing. She spent some time setting up this lovely beach-front lounge of her own.

It included this boardwalk hanger of sorts for her land vehicles, which I thought was a really neat idea!

So, while all of our buildings are still there, the vibe of the planet is completely different. Far away from being the paradise bubble planet we chose for the reasons of great weather, no sentinels and a lovely view. I don’t think there’s a way of copying the builds we created and pasting them somewhere else, either.
It’s a sad day in paradise. Will we go out and discover another such planet? Not sure. I’ll write about it if we do!
*|* {August} *|* {2024} *|* {No Man's Sky} *|*