January 2024 Archives

Posted on January 30
Two weeks back, FFXIV dropped the final story for Endwalker in the form of patch 6.55. This introduced the story leads that will carry players into the plot of the next expansion, Dawntrail. Overall, I felt like it did this fairly well.

Nintendo Switch - Game Cartridge Accessibility

Posted on January 29
The age of digital gaming has pushed physical media further and further into the background. However, while I will buy some indie games and some digital-only games for my Switch console, I’ve seen all too often how Nintendo shuts down the E-Shops for their systems over time. That’s why I often purchase bigger and more important games in physical format.

Posted on January 26
The short Steam game of the week was true to its namesake – both short and a hike. This was a cute little pixel adventure with some undertones of the main character’s (Claire) self-growth and discovering you’re capable of more than you realize.

Posted on January 25
One idea I’d like to hold to more this year in terms of gaming and purchases – going forward, I’d like to only invest in the games I want to play. I know this sounds like a very simple and silly thing to say. But in a time when Steam sales and bundles entice players to invest in games just because they “look good,” “have good ratings,” and are a “great deal”… I’ve found myself caught up in that more and more lately.

2024 Simplicity: Further Cutting Service Subscriptions

Posted on January 22
One of my goals for 2024 was to work towards simplifying and cutting back on service subscriptions. I already started that by cutting PC Game Pass (and of course, right after I do that, they add games I want to try).

Posted on January 16
As of today, this blog is a decade old! I’ve been blogging far longer than 10 years – I developed a number of blogs before this. This is just the one that has stood the test of time. But even then, it’s gone through a number of developments.

Posted on January 14
Not that I need another backlog in my life, but I’ve done some math looking at my audio book library. One of my goals for this year was to “read” more books – which also encompasses listening to audio books (usually while I’m doing something mindless on the side).

Posted on January 12
I originally played Tiny Life as a demo during a Steam NextFest in 2023. While I didn’t think the game was awful, I wasn’t all that inclined to go out and pick it up from what I experienced. The only reason I have it now is because it was part of the Jingle Jam bundle. I decided to give it another try, and have spent a little over an hour with it so far.

FFXIV: The End of Endwalker Again

Posted on January 11
One of my major goals in FFXIV was to complete the Endwalker post patch content with Ben before the expansion drops. I managed to do this before patch 6.55 dropped instead, finishing up the MSQ last night.

Steam Gaming: Checking Out the Medieval Dynasty Survival Sim

Posted on January 8
The Posse picked up Medieval Dynasty during the Steam winter sale, and after over 50 hours of playtime, I can say we are enjoying this game so much. It’s a unique blend of medieval style survival exploration with a settlement building sim. And it does all of these things very well!

FFXIV: Japanese Dawntrail Fanfest Keynote Reveals

Posted on January 7
The third and last fanfest keynote finally dropped last night, and here are a few of my thoughts on all that was announced. I’m far more content (though just as curious) about what I saw this time around than I was with the past couple fanfests. They do know how to save the best for last.

Posted on January 4
Paradise Marsh was one of the short games that I got with the Jingle Jam bundle. While I only put a couple of hours into it, that was enough to complete the main bit of the game.

Posted on January 1
This year, I’m going to keep my goals short and sweet. I’m going to try to stay away from numbers and focus on actions. You might note that I didn’t call this post “gaming goals” this year, because I want to include more than just gaming stuff here.