11th Year Blogiversary!
Posted on January 16, 2025 by Aywren
Today marks the 11th year anniversary of launching this blog! This is the post where I usually go into some history of the blog and what I’ve accomplished since this time last year, but this time, I feel like this might be a shorter post than usual.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m very proud that this blog has just turned 11 years old! Creating a blog is easy, but sticking to one is not. This is something that I know all too well.
In fact, the Blog Museum section is a sample of posts that I harvested from previous blogging attempts that did not stick for me. This points back to some blog posts that were as old as 2008. So, I’ve actually been blogging quite a bit longer than 11 years!
The last few years of this blog have been focused on building out the HTML side of things, which turned the site into more of a coding project than a blogging project. I feel like at this point, while I still have some smaller side projects I want to move into this blog, I’ve finally made it to a point of stability where I can focus on writing content and just blogging again.
I’m trying to slide into this slowly, while still juggling all the other projects I’ve got on my plate. On Thursdays, I make an effort to focus on some of those coding projects here, which include:
- Updating the model horse page
- Moving my Guild Wars 2 writing
- Moving the 2022 Quest Calendar
Each of these are sizable projects that I’m trying to just chip away at because they’re not my full focus right now. I do want to make progress, but I really want to try to get back into the habit of just blogging again. All these small web projects pull my attention away from doing that.
Other than that, I’m trying to do a weekly Backlog Bloggery post to keep me motivated with trying out new games from my backlog if I can. Should I be able to keep up with it, it’s a win-win situation – I try out a backlog game and I make a blog post about it. So far, I’ve seen a pretty good response to these posts, so I hope to keep blogging those!
Other than that, I’ve got a sizeable list of topics I want to write about, jotted down in my traveller’s notebook. There’s no shortage of ideas, just shortage of time. I do plan on working down this list of ideas as I can, however. Lots of gaming, lots of geekery, and who knows what else along the way!
Here’s to yet another year of blogging! Thanks for sticking around!