FFXIV: Ocean Fishing for Moogle Treasure Trove

Posted on March 6, 2025 by Aywren

It’s everyone’s favorite in-between patch pastime for FFXIV players – the Moogle Treasure Trove event! Or, as I like to call it, Mogtomes.

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, I know. I apologize! I do have a variety of excuses on hand, such as being heads-down in working on art projects, and having been disabled by the flu for a couple of weeks. I’m finally starting to get my energy levels back to normal after said flu, and I thought I’d take a moment to write about what I’ve been doing in game lately.

Namely, Ocean Fishing for Mogtomes. Why? Because Ocean Fishing got a HUGE buff this time around, though I’m not hearing a lot of folks talking about it.

Previously, you got on the boat, you fished, and as long as your overall score was above 2,000 you walked away with 5 tomes. This was pretty good for the time and effort required already.

But this time around, I saw this:

I don’t know the exact cut-off for earning tomes. I do know if you manage to score at least 8,000, you get the 10 tome reward. It seems between 5,000 and 8,000 gets about 8 tomes. Again, these are not hard and fast numbers – I did look it up to see if anyone else had figured out what it took to get better rewards.

Basically, if you do fairly well at fishing, you can get a whole lot more than you ever could for the event before. Granted, you can only do it once every two hours, but it’s still a pretty relaxed way to farm Mogtomes.

As for me, I somehow managed to procc more spectrals in the past two weeks (though I usually only fished once a day) than I have in all the years of ocean fishing I’ve done.

I mean, I procced

A whole

Three times!

I didn’t need a whole lot from this round of Mogtomes seeing that I’ve done every one of these events as they popped up over the years. So, I already had the jacket and most of the mounts. I’m using this to collect the Gwibber set as I don’t run Extreme content for mounts. I’m content to just get them when they get tossed into the Mogtome events.

I’m also using it to pick up orchestrion rolls and triple triad cards I don’t already have. This usually also prompts me to go out and play a few rounds of triple triad if a card isn’t hard to get from an overworld NPC, rather than working for tomes to buy it.

All in all, I’m still glad we have these events. I like how they’ve changed them in recent times to include more than just running Praetorium a million times, like in the old days. I especially like the buff to Ocean Fishing, and hope that they keep that change for future Mogtome events.

There are still a few weeks left before the next major patch. So, while I’m done with what I needed to farm, if you see something on the event page you want, you’ve still got time to hop in and work on it. Ocean Fishing is a great, chill way to do this, and if you haven’t finished leveling your Fisher to 100, you’ll be getting some easy levels out of it, too!

*|* {March} *|* {2025} *|* {FFXIV} *|*
