Giving Guild Wars 2 Another Shot
It’s no secret that I’ve been grouchy at Guild Wars 2 lately. Before launch and the first half year or so, I was a big supporter of the game. Then came the Living Story, which didn’t quite pan out the way some of us hoped. I went from logging in every day to being disgruntled at too much temporary content crammed together and not enough time to soak it all up (go figure!).
I’m still not a fan of timed content that’s completely gone when it’s gone, in the Living World style. I’m not a fan of the way some characters have developed, and certainly not pleased that the city of Lion’s Arch was leveled (though playing the scenario was fun at first, I’ll admit).
I keep saying that I feel bad to feel bad about this game, a game that actually does so much right, and which I once completely enjoyed. I hate to be as critical as I have been. But when a game jumps the shark in a Scarlet way, that’s really not something I can get behind.
I’ve been looking for a reason to fall in love with GW2 again. I want Anet to reel me back in and wow me. I’m willing to give the game another chance. I need them to heal the divide that the hectic living story craziness caused between us.
What’s the first thing they do? They offer the Festival of the Four Winds, where the Zephyrites have returned and are assisting Lion’s Arch.
This’ll do as a very good place to start the new season.
I spent a lot of time in the Zephyr Sanctum when it was first released last year. In fact, of all the releases (aside from SAB), I have to say it was one of my favorite. I love the atmosphere and the mystery. I enjoyed the racing (surprisingly). And I really like the idea that the Zephyrites are going to play a part in reaching out to heal the damage done to Lion’s Arch. That just seems right.
It also encourages me to imagine what the city could look like with some Zypherite touches — floating ships, anyone? Could it be possible that a rebuilt Loin’s Arch could become even more beautiful that it’s previous incarnation?
I’ll still be sad, though, if we’ve lost the sunken ruins of old Lion’s Arch for good.
Anyhow. It’s in your hands, Anet. Impress me. I’m waiting to return.